Saturday, August 6, 2016

Grace Flows Down.....and covers me...

It's been a while since a BLOG post, so here it goes!
God is so good to us! That phrase has become over used and unfortunately sometimes cliché, but it is still so true. He loves us and provides for us. He disciplines and convicts us. He forgives us and restores us. No one else in our lives, shows the love and grace that God shows. He is SO good!
The last couple months have been somewhat trying and wonderful all at the same time. We had an awesome VBS where 10 - TEN souls were saved! I'm sure more lives were changed and challenged. I enjoyed LOTS of family time and even a few adventures. We went to the Wildlife Safari and the Toledo Zoo. We had a surprise birthday party for my sister and spent 2 holiday weekends with food, fun and fellowship with the people I love. Sometimes when I feel like life is consuming me and I'm overwhelmed, I like to go to my Facebook page. I look back through my pictures and God reminds me how very blessed my life really is! 
In May, I got to go to a family reunion in Tennessee. I saw family and friends and got to spend precious time with my mom, Debbie and Anthony. I was reminded that my dad is really a rock in our family and we got a bonus "Monday Funday". These are the times that I pray show Jules how much she's loved and build the relationship that keeps us close her entire life!
I am so blessed with the ministry at our church. I love my BK's. I see God moving in their lives! Our teens are seeking knowledge and desire to grow. Sometimes Satan tries to blind us with obstacles or negatives, he is very good at this job. This morning after talking to my sister and doing my devotions, I was overwhelmed with excitement for our church and God's kingdom! We have so much work to do. Sadly, we also have few who will do it. That sometimes makes the journey hard and discouraging. But it also gives us opportunities to stretch ourselves and step up in ways we never imagined. God is moving in our church, not just ours but many churches across our world. It's easy to compare and complain and find fault, but that's the enemy. That's his job and like I already said, he's very good. But GOD IS ALSO GOOD, actually He's "GOODER"!! I know thats not a word, but I hope you get my drift! 😃
Life is not easy. I know more people facing challenges (financial , marital, emotional, physical, spiritual) than ever in my life. I'm so thankful for God's word and its promises. And that I know they are true!!
I'm so thankful that no matter what life throws or how difficult it may be, God's grace flows down and it covers me! (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Andrew - Happy 24th Birthday in Heaven

24 years ago today, a sweet boy with big green eyes came into the world. By all accounts, his first 4 years were cruel and inhuman. Then for 2 years, he was separated from his brother, who was more like a twin. At age 6, he came into my life. It was the first time in 2 years, that he was able to live with his brother. So many things had happened in his life, I wasn't sure he would ever see me as mom, that we would ever bond.....I was just happy to see him with Zachary. Their bond was undeniable....
God had such a big plan, more than I ever imagined.
2 years later, when I already knew in my heart that Andrew was another of the blessings that I had prayed for, we got a diagnosis....Muscular Dystrophy with several complications. Over the next 3 years, an indescribable bond developed, as my Drewby and I faced unbelievable things.....things no child or mom ever want to go through. But those things, that seemed so horrible, allowed God to make Drew my son, my very best friend, but most importantly I became his Mama. 
Andrew left this world on June 29, 2003. He was 11. It will be 13 years this year. Sometimes, I still can't believe he's gone...gone already for so long. Always, I thank God that I got to be his mom. Thankful, that although his 11 years on this earth, were painful, physically and mentally, almost every day, he is now in Heaven, rejoicing and pain free. Selfishly, I wish he was here, but I would never bring him back.....I just long to see him again some day. Thank God, I know I will.
I love all my boys, each is special in their own way, but Drew and I spent every moment together the last 6 months of his life. He never complained, he never questioned, he only assured me that he was going home. What a testimony!! 
What a precious gift from God. So irreplaceable to me, yet thrown away by others. 
He was - and is - an unexpected blessing. He taught me about the faith of a child. To trust, even when it is hard.
Happy Birthday in Heaven my sweet boy!! I'll see you again....I can't wait!!