11/13/10 My Sister.
My baby sister is having a baby! Never thought I would say those words, but I am so thankful that I can!! When Jill was born I was so excited. I had wanted a puppy, but a sister was so much better - I was 4. I loved her and catered to her every whim - in fact she didn't talk until she was almost 4 because anything she wanted, she just pointed and I got it. There are some who would say once she started well she never . . .well you know :) Anyway, though we have had are ups and downs, I love my sister with my whole heart! I am so proud of the godly woman, wife and now mother that she has become. She and Jack - yes Jack and Jill - have worked together as children's church pastors for many years now - so many that I believe some of the kiddos are graduating college and getting married. They are a true blessing to countless children and now will have a little blessing of their own - today I am thankful for my sister.
11/14/10 Everyday brings a fresh new start.
All I will say here is that recently, I have been thankful that as each day ends a new one begins. I was so looking forward to church and the ability to worship and pour myself out to God in the hopes that he would refill me with his Holy Spirit. This Sunday was an awesome worship experience with the best choir and praise team that I know. Worship was followed by an awesome message delivered by one of my favorite people (shout out to Derek Hunter). I truly felt refreshed and ready to face a new week . . .and a fresh new start.
11/15/10 My job
In this economy, I am so thankful to have a job. I know that many of my friends and family have not been so blessed in recent days and I never want to take it for granted. I am sometimes frustrated and stressed by my job, but I know that God gave it to me. In 2007, I job searched for almost 10 months, sent out hundreds of resumes and went on at least 30 job interviews. I came close to 3 positions and than God gave me this job for my 40th birthday. As I said, it is sometimes stressful, but I am truly thankful to be able to provide for my family.
11/16/10 a warm fuzzy blanket and a good book
Tuesday it was raining and damp and somewhat cold. I didn't have the opportunity to snuggle under a blanket and read a book, but I was truly thankful that I have had times to just collect quiet "me" time. I know that soon, I will need to collect some more! I guess I was also thinking how blessed I am to be able to read and enjoy a good book. Many do not have that privilege and most importantly, I have the freedom and ability to read God's book - the Bible. I am convicted as I write this because I do not spend the time in HIS book as much as I should and I am going to try to do better. Pray for me as I know that it is the most important reading that I can do . ..
11/17/10 My grandparents
I am so thankful for the four people who set in motion well basically my existence :)
My dad parents: Claude V Ferguson - known as Jack and Mattie Lee Byers Ferguson known as Lee - my paternal grandparents had a colorful life together, but I loved them dearly. I was closer to grandma than grandpa, but loved them both. My grandma had a big influence on my becoming a christian and for that I will ever be thankful. She loved jewelry and clothes and I guess I get that from her. My grandpa died of lung cancer in 1984 - he accepted Christ on his death bed and passed away just 2 weeks after I nearly died myself (if you don't know, it will be in another BLOG post I am sure :)My grandmother came to live with us in the 1990's and until her Alzheimer's got so bad that she had to go to a facility was quite a fire cracker. She died in 1995, my first year in TN and her funeral was New Years eve. She asked me for as long as I remember to sing How Great Thou Art at her funeral . . .I did. Right up until the moment that it happened, I wasn't sure that I could, but as always God gave me the strength and I am thankful that I was able to honor her wishes. They both left a legacy of both good and bad, although as I remember right now, I can really only think of good . . .I guess that is the way it really should be.
My mom's parents: Louis Ehninger and Susan Rausch Ehninger. My grandpa died when I was 7 and sadly I have very few memories of him. When I was little they ran a county park in Caseville MI and I loved to "work" with them in the store. I remember his pipe and I can almost smell it as I write this. To my knowledge, my grandfather never knew Jesus, but I am hopeful that by God's grace he had an opportunity in the end to give his life to Jesus. As with all of us - that was between him and God. My grandmother - I was by far the closest to this grandparent. I spent countless summers with her as a child and spent as much time with her as an adult that I could. She taught me how to sew, she taught me a lot about cooking, she taught me what little German she remembered. This is funny because while she was born in the US, her family came over through Ellis Island and until she went to school, she only spoke German. As an adult she remembered very little. She only went to school until the 8th grade. She quit to do sewing to help her family. She was known as "my sweetie grandma" as that is what my friends called her. She accepted Jesus as her Savior one night as I was driving her to do weekly errands (which always ended in me getting dinner and a couple bucks for gas - no matter how old I was). She believed in God but never accepted Jesus until that night. I thank God that I was able to be a part of that experience. She died suddenly in 1999 - I ache to this day that I wasn't able to say goodbye, but thankful that she didn't suffer! I also sang at her funeral - even played the piano. It was different this time. I was older, had children of my own. It was the last grandparent I had left . . .it was not just goodbye . .. it was yet another person that I longed to be with and would be some day when I reached heaven. Her funeral left an impression on Andrew. The boys had been to very few funerals at that time - only one I think and they had really only met my grandmother once - but in God's infinite wisdom, he somehow used that sweet ladies life and death to prepare Andrew for his own mortality. In those last months before he died, he would tell me how he couldn't wait to see not just HIS papaw, but my grandma's too. I am sure they are all enjoying each other even as I type through the tears in my eyes as I long to have a family reunion with ALL of them!!!
So today I am truly thankful for my grandparents and the role they each played in who I am today!
11/18/10 - My salvation
I used the words from the old hymn "Jesus paid it All" in my facebook post this morning. The song goes on to say. . .Jesus paid it all - all to him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain - he washed it white as snow.
What powerful words. I feel so unworthy of this precious gift, but I am so thankful to have received it. I read a quote last night in my Scrapbook class "While we may envy the angels already enjoying the wonders of paradise, imagine that they may envy us the experience of salvation they can never know themselves"
WOW how powerful is that!!! I don't "feel" very saved today. There is a lot going on and Satan has been trying to get in my head all week. I haven't liked my stinky attitude and I am desperately trying to do better. Most of all I am thankful that being saved has nothing to do with my feelings. Really very little to do with me at all! Jesus paid it ALL. I just have to accept it. I did that September 16, 1977. Sure I have "rededicated" that commitment, but my salvation occurred that day and as long as I choose to abide in him - he will abide in me.
I am truly thankful for my salvation - undeserved as it may be . . .Sin had left a crimson stain . . .he washed it white as snow...
So there it is - 6 days of thankfulness all rolled into one :)
And if you are following - here's a sneak peek for tomorrow . . .
11/19/10 - TODAY (really tomorrow) I am thankful that God is bigger than the Boogieman - he's bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on TV - God is bigger than the Boogieman and he watches out for you and me!!!! . . . to be continued
It's amazing posts like these that make me love having a "window into your world!"