Friday, February 20, 2015

All In

40 Days of Reflection
"This lenten season, let’s do more than suspend our vices—let's run to Christ. Let’s be brave, come out of hiding, and be reconciled to Him." Rebecca Faires
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross. She Reads Truth - Day 3: Springtime   #shereadstruth

This was in one of my devotions today. It spoke so loudly to me. I don't want Lent to just be another thing I do. I want it to matter and make a difference. With reckless abandon, I want to run to Jesus, press into His holiness and hang on with all my might!!!  
Over the last few weeks and especially yesterday, there have been several prayer concerns that have gripped my heart. Real needs. Health, spiritual, job, future plans, huge decisions, even some matters of life and death.  I'm so thankful that I have a relationship with Jesus that allows me to pray directly to Him with every need. But God isn't just an umbrella for tough times. Our relationship with Him needs to be "all in". Not just during Lent, or at Christmas or at Easter. ALL the time.
So, I am praying that right now, during Lent and every day of my life, I will "run to Christ. Be brave, come out of hiding, and be reconciled to Him." 

I hope this is your prayer too.

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