Friday, November 4, 2011


Today is day 4 of thankful and today I am thankful for Jules.

18 years ago my sister married a great guy who is more like a brother to me than a brother in law. Jack and Jill went up the hill to take their wedding vows........Over many years, they tried to have a baby and many times decided that it would probably never happen, but then God intervened and all these years later - JULES. My beautiful neice. She is a fighter. In her first 11 months she has faced several struggles. She was born with some complications and for the first 5 months of her life she was at UofM hospital a large majority of the time and had mutiple surgeries. All the while, she has kept a beautiful smile and a happy disposition. She is fiesty and full of life. She is crawling and pulling herself up and probably soon will be walking. I never knew that I could love a child as much as my own, but this is pretty darn close! I know that God has big plans for this little girl as he continues to write her story. I am so thankful to have her in my life. I am also thankful for all of my friends and family who have prayed for Jules, Jack and Jill and I ask that you will continue as we continue to walk through Jules complete recovery.

Enjoy the pics of the most beautiful girl in my world :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful

This week started the month of November and our family's tradition of 30 days of thankful.

So far I have been thankful for my boys - day 1, my job - day 2 and Jeffrey Woody - today day 3.

Over the next 27 days I am going to try to share what I am thankful for each day and more details, like I did last year. I am sure that some things I am thankful for will be the same and some will be new, different, spontaneous or maybe even random.

The Bible tells us "In every thing give thanks" I am trying very hard to that those words to heart, A friend recently said that in a "come to Jesus" moment, she told God that no matter what, whether He ever blessed her again, or ever felt his presence again, or ever got another thing in this life - she was going to be thankful and praise him for all he had already done. This touched my heart and reminded me that I am more blessed than I deserve and that God owes me NOTHING, He gave his very life for the redemption of my soul and for this there is much reason to give thanks.....